Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I had a very frustrating day today. I had anxiety over feeling ugly and fat. I picked a lot of acne a few days ago, and now I have stupid scabs all over my face. I also keep wanting to get more fit and slim so that I don't look hideous for our trip to Brazil in August. It took me awhile to realize that my mood was probably so bad because I'm menstral. Every month I have back ache and then I break out and pick at my face. I was literally thinking how good I'd been at not picking and that my complexion was looking better just last week. I seem to self sabotage myself. I know what I should be doing, but I constantly do the opposite. It's like I get stressed out about my issues and then decide that if I'm not going to get better then I might as well make it obvious to the rest of the world that I'm a helpless case.
Maybe I'll be able to recognize my issues when I start with the PMS next month. Hopefully this blog will help me work through my issues a little better.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I can relate to all of that! Good for you for figuring out what was bringing it on...
