Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Money money money

I wish I had some. Money that is. I've had a few shopping spree's that I totally should of put the money to better causes. I usually hate shopping because it gives me anxiety about what I can't have. I think that I'm now using shopping as a comfort. I know that the money isn't coming in the way it should, but it's going to be worse when Andrew's unemployementt is going to run out. I think that getting things I want is my way of making myself feel better. I know that there are a lot of bad things about this behavior. When Andrew was in Bosnia I totally forgot to pay some bills and I went around shopping as a comfort. I also keep putting off studying. I had 3 days off in which I planned to study, but I focused on other things instead. I worked on pottery, and I did some cleaning. Monday I slept and vegged. Yesterday I dyed my hair and cleaned up after the animals, went tanning, and then went to the grocery store and spent way too much time walking around and deciding what to buy. It would've been a short trip, but I spent about an hour there. Then I went to pottery in the evening. Today I worked on a piece of pottery, caught up on NCIS and then Andrew and I went to see Iron Man. It's really hard for me to know that we are broke, but we keep spending money on frivolous things. I also keep having stress because the economy isn't getting better and that doesn't really bode well in the Andrew finding a job department. I also wish that work was a little more steady. It scares me that the Renton clinic isn't really doing much to help the business stabilize. I have some plans for tomorrow. I'm hoping I can stick with it.

1 comment:

  1. I've been using retail therapy to feel better too. For me it's yarn and knitting just gives me a boost (at least for a little while) and I feel happy and fulfilled...full. You're not alone.
