Monday, April 5, 2010


Not much in the mood to blog, but I'm feeling like it might be a bit freeing(is that a word?). I've been realizing that I still hold onto being the little girl that I was when my innocence was sadly taken away. When I can't handle things, I regress and just try to ignore it. I've had a very grown up thought process when dealing with things. I'm finally getting that if I want something out of my life I have to work for it. Curling up in a ball and ignoring problems isn't good for anyone.
I have constant anxiety of how messy our apartment is, but seem to lack motivation to do anything about it. Instead of having anxiety over someone coming over and seeing what a train wreck things are, I'm actually working on making things the way I want them. I'm not saying it's easy, but if I think about the fact that I deserve to have nice things it gives me a little of the motivation I've been missing.
Social anxiety is also a huge thing for me. I'm trying really hard to look on the bright side of everything. I keep telling myself that it really shouldn't matter to me what other people think of me. If people want to worry or pity me, then that's all on them. I find that what my mind tells me and what my emotions choose to put out there are definitely not in the same place. When I was younger I taught myself to be the best I could and to keep anything that might cause my parents stress to myself. I saw how much stress my brother caused and vowed to be the perfect child. Any imperfection became a huge stress to me, and I think that this has led me to have a need to be perfect to what I assume is the status quo.
Anxiety seems to be a never ending issue, but I'm working on it.

1 comment:

  1. Does doing things to alleviate your stress make you happy? Or do things that make you happy alleviate stress or are they not related at all? The whole clean thing in the house, I'm battling kids and husband, was such a drag for me for a long time. But I got over it and now I spend minimal time on it and my house is usually a wreck. It's not a priority and it doesn't make me all that happy to have it clean. If someone comes over for an impromptu visit, they are just going to have to deal the fact that I am not a tidy person. I do try to put the dirty undergarments away though.
